Robert Burns

Alexandria Burns Club Annual Festival
Alexandria Masonic Temple

Saturday 25th January 2025

President George McCaughey was again in the chair for our 2025 annual festival, and it was once again a very enjoyable evening. Two days before the event we had suffered some horrendous weather, with winds in excess of 100 mph in places, and some serious damage across Scotland.

The Vale was hit quite badly and some serious wind damage had occurred. At one point this placed some doubt on the event actually taking place. Sadly, Dumbarton Burns Cub was forced to cancel its supper the evening before, However the weather calmed down for us and we had a total of 130 members and guest attending.

Alexandria Burns Supper Top Table 2024

Guests and Artists (L to R)

Gary Weir, Fergus McLellan, Rev. Ian Miller, Blair Allan, Euan McCaughey, Pres. George McCaughey, Robert Ryan,
Russell Glendinning, Mark Critchley Dumbarton Burns Club, Pipe Major David Bruce, Tom Brown VP.

(Click image for larger version)

Our Pipe Major David Bruce's pipes signaled the entrance of the haggis, which was then addressed by club member Gary Weir, before Venue Catering's Robert Mills and his team served an excellent dinner.

Arrival of Haggis

Burns Supper Program

Address to the HaggisGary Weir Addresses the Haggis

Reverend Ian Miller is a long standing member of the club. After a call off he was asked, at very short notice, if he could deliver the Immortal Memory. We were privileged that he did so. His Immortal Memory is being described by some as the best they had ever heard and it certainly was up there at that level. This was clearly demonstrated by the thunderous round of applause that it received. An excellent Immortal Memory!

Immortal MemoryReverend Ian Miller - Immortal Memory

Our Musical Entertainment for the evening was provided by Jack Cassidy. We only recently met Jack when he performed at our St. Andrew's night last year. The audience there loved his performance so he was promptly asked if he was available to entertain us at our supper. Once again he excelled and the audience clearly very much enjoyed his music and singing. I don't think it will be long before we see Jack again.

Jack CassidyJack Cassidy


Blair Allan, another club member, was next up with his Toast to the Lasses. Blair can be relied upon to hold his audience. A very funny and entertaining guy, tonight he once again delivered.

Toast to the Lasses

Blair Allan - Toast to the Lasses


The Toast to John Barleycorn was once again proposed by a club member, Robert Ryan. Robert is a member of several Burns Clubs. A busy man at this time of year, his toast was very funny and well received by the audience.

Robert Ryan

Robert Ryan - Toast to John Barleycorn


Doctor Euan McCaughey has been a member of our club for quite a few years now. He first read for us away back in 2010. Euan lived in Australia for a few years but he's now back home performing again. This year he gave us excellent renditions of "A Man's a Man" and "Willie Wastle". Euan is another we look forward to seeing more of in future. (Apologies for the picture quality. I was so engrossed in Euan's performance that I forgot to take an image.)


Doctor Euan McCaughey


Tam O'Shanter is almost always on our program. This year it was done by Russell Glendinning, the president of Dunblane Burns Club. Russell was making his first appearance at Alexandria and his "Tam" was flawless. Another who will always be welcome back to Alexandria Burns Club, No,2 in the Federation. There is a video of Russell performing "Tam" on YouTube. You can watch this here.

Tom Brown Toast


Tom Brown Toast

Vice President Tom Brown concludes the evening with his Toast to the Artists

These were all the artistes who performed this year, but it would be remiss of us not to conclude without mentioning the excellent company of members and guests, who once again gave the best of order. In my experience the audiences at our events are the best. Sincere thanks to all for helping make this such a successful evening.

The St. Andrew's Night dinner this year will take place on Friday 28th November 2025, in the Vale of Leven Bowling Club. Next year’s supper will take place in the Alexandria Masonic Temple on Saturday 24th January 2026.

An album of additional pictures from the event is available on our Facebook page, on this link.


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